Biblical definition of Wisdom:
James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Character Study;
Solomon – 2 Samuel 12:24 – 1 Kings11:43; 1 Chronicles 28-29; 2 Chronicles 1 – 10; Nehemiah 13:26; Psalm 72; Matthew 6:29; 12:42

Also called Jedidah meaning loved by the LORD; loved of Yahweh (2 Samuel 12:24-25)
His father was David and his mother was Bathsheba. David selected him, as he was the son of his favourite wife, to become the next king.
Solomon asked God for wisdom – 1 Kings 3:9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” v10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this.
He is the author of Proverbs 1 – 30; Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.

Solomon is known for his:
In 1 Kings 3:3-15 and 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 we read how when God asked Solomon at Gibeon what he wanted, he asked for wisdom and knowledge.
His wisdom was widespread because we read in 1 Kings 1:1-13 and 2 Chronicles 9:1-12 that the Queen of Sheba came to “test him with hard questions.” When she saw the wisdom, the palace, and the sacrifices he made at the Temple she was “overwhelmed.”
1 Kings 4:32 He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five.
Building of the Temple
In 1 Kings 5:1 – 9:9 Solomon builds the Temple and his palace. 2 Chronicles 2:1 – 7:22 Solomon built the Temple. We see in both passages how Solomon dedicated the Temple and the Lord then appears to him giving him a promise. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Pagan wives were his downfall
In 1 Kings 1:1-14, we read that he had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 hundred concubines who led him astray. He allowed his wives to affect his loyalty to God and started worshipping other gods
1 Kings 3:3 He continued worshipping God at the original Canaanite high places, which was forbidden.

What the Bible teaches about wisdom:
Old Testament:
Job 28:12-28 In this passage Job speaks of wisdom and understanding. In v12 he asks where wisdom can be found and where understanding dwells. He continues to say that it cannot be found in the land of the living. Wisdom is more valuable that any gold or gems. v23 He answers that only God knows where it dwells. v28 He concludes that God is the source of wisdom.
Psalm 111:1-10 This Psalm shows us that everything God does is for our good and reverence. The LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
Proverbs 2:1-11 Moral Benefits of Wisdom – Verses 1-8 say that the Lord will give wisdom to those who are faithful. Verses 9-11 say that we will find the right way to go because wisdom will enter our hearts and knowledge will fill us with joy.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 People tend to admire wisdom, strength and wealth in others. God’s priority is that we know Him personally and live a life that reflects kindness, justice and righteousness.
In Daniel 2:1-19 Nebuchadnezzar had dreams and asked his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamt. Not one of them could do this and the king ordered the execution of all the wise men of Babylon. After Daniel had spoken to the king, he returned home asking his friends to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning the mystery of the dreams, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men. During the night the mystery was revealed to him in a vision.
This passage shows that wisdom comes from God alone!

New Testament:
Luke 21:5-38 Jesus talks to His disciples about the “Signs of the End of the Age.” He gives them a promise in v15 that He will give them the right words and also wisdom so that none of their opponents will be able to reply or take a stand against them.
Acts 6:8-15 Stephen was a man full of God’s grace and power; he did great wonders and performed miraculous signs. He was arrested by a group of men from the Synagogue of Freed Slaves (also called Freedmen). They argued with him but were unable to stand up against his wisdom.
1 Corinthians 2:6-16 For true Spiritual wisdom or discernment, a believer must be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Paul taught the Corinthians that true wisdom requires the believer to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 1:15-23 In this prayer Paul asks the God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give all believers Spiritual wisdom and revelation to know Him better. We can read the Bible or daily devotions and only know about God. The only way to have a personal relationship with Jesus is to spend time with Him, not only reading our Bibles but studying it, in prayer, worship and giving thanks for what God has done for us.
Colossians 3:1-17 Paul writes what Christians should do to live a holy life. He sums it up in v16 Let the message of Christ dwell in among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

In Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 we read what form of application Biblical wisdom should take in life and vv15-29 shows the limits of human wisdom.
Daily we can interpret the verses as follows:
vv1-4 We live with adversity daily, so as Christians we know that we learn more about God’s will for our lives, when there are struggles, sorrows or suffering! 
vv5-6 It is better to be reprimanded by a wise person and so be refined for the Kingdom of God than to be praised by a fool.
v7 There is a saying, “Money talks.” We read or see on TV how easily people are bribed – it can be said that those who are involved in extortion or bribes are truly fools.
v8 When starting a project or ministry it takes patience to see it through or to be consistent. This is a practical way of showing “faith in action.”
v9 We need to control our anger, especially when rebuking or chastising someone. Our tone of voice should be to the benefit of everyone involved.
v10 We need to resist the urge to too long for “the good old days.” As a disciple of Jesus, we need to adhere to what He said in: Luke 9:62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
vv11-12 Both wisdom and money can be a benefit and get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life! We should not be part-time Christians, but Christians wholly devoted to God alone.
v13 We must submit to God’s will, and accept the way He does things.
v14 God allows both the good and bad times to come to everyone. We should be content in all circumstances, recognizing that God is in control.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Responding in Prayer:
Read Psalm 37:1-40 – Instructions on how to gain wisdom.
This Psalm gives insight into the realities of life, inviting believers to have trust, peace and contentment even when it feels as if evil has the upper hand.
The Psalm also contrasts the wicked person with the righteous. When we ask for wisdom, we can be assured of: v23 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him; v24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.
Give thanks in all circumstances – good and bad – for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

(All Scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV) unless otherwise stipulated)

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